Fundraising for Odyssey


How to fundraise for Odyssey

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Odyssey Challenging Cancer

You may have all kinds of creative ideas for raising funds for Odyssey, from coffee mornings or ‘bring and buy’ sales to major sponsored events. You may work in an organisation which could help you fundraise or give money to Odyssey and be able to negotiate sponsorship, or put us in touch with the right people. We will be delighted to support you in any venture which will help benefit others through our Odyssey courses.

Thank you for fundraising for us. It enables us to run more courses for more people.


Shop Online and Fundraise for FREE

Sign up for EasyFundraising and you can raise funds for Odyssey when you shop Online. A percentage of every purchase from 8000+ online stores goes to Odyssey at no cost to you. Sign up HERE and let your online shopping help others to experience Odyssey.


Fundraising by Sky Diving

Sponsored Events

Sponsored events are a great way to raise money for a charity. Whether it’s a skydive, a marathon or an organised sponsored event, we’d love you to raise money for us. Download a sponsor form below to use for an event you’re planning. It includes all you need to enable us to claim Gift Aid on the donations.


Join an Odyssey Fundraising Event

We run a number of Odyssey Fundraisers each year specifically aimed at giving you a challenge AND a way to help us raise funds that will benefit and impact others on an Odyssey Challenge course. Join a Canoe Challenge or a Cycle Ride. You’ll find more information about past and upcoming events HERE.


Charity Coffee Morning Fundraising

Do your own thing

Arrange a coffee morning, car boot or pub quiz. Make something, sell something. Every little helps. Whatever you’re planning we can support you with online giving through so you can raise money quickly and easily online with your own personalised webpage or make a donation


Make A Gift In Your Will

I know it’s not something we like to talk about but whether you are amending your current will or drawing up a new one leaving a gift to Odyssey is the best way to leave a legacy that will allow someone else to experience the positive impact and life-affirming benefit of an Odyssey Course. Read more HERE.


Fundraising Pack

Here are a few useful items to use with your fundraising. Increase your sponsorship with Gift Aid. You may use the Odyssey Logo but please get permission first.

Sponsor forms
Gift Aid form
Odyssey poster (A4 format)
Odyssey Logo
Odyssey information sheet
Justgiving site
Odyssey information leaflet

Odyssey T-shirts and Hoodies

If there are questions which you need help to address, contact us at or call us on 0345 363 2207 (calls are charged at local rate) and we will do all we can to support and guide you.

Coordination & Legal

Whatever ideas you have let us know your plans. This is to avoid conflicting with another event and so we can help with information and advice.

Charity fundraising is regulated by law. You may not collect in the street without obtaining a local authority licence, or use Odyssey’s logo or registered charity number without our prior permission. Particular areas which could give rise to difficulty are 1. Insurance, 2. Trading standards and 3. Offering alcohol as prizes.

The fact that you may be doing an activity to raise money for Odyssey does not mean you are covered by Odyssey’s insurance policy. Take steps to get appropriate cover (reasonable expenses may be covered from the money raised) and ensure you have made proper provision for the safety of what you are doing.

If you are selling to raise money for Odyssey you are liable to trading laws. If you sell food you can expect to be sued  or prosecuted by the Environmental Health Department if it poisons someone. Further information on what you can and cannot sell can be obtained from your local Trading Standards Office.

You need a licence to sell alcohol (apply in good time) and may need one if you offer alcohol as prizes in raffles, tombolas, etc? This is a particular problem if tickets have been sold to children as you have, strictly speaking, sold alcohol to a minor, even if they do not win. Please read information on lotteries and the law at the website of the Gaming Board of Great Britain. Notes on offering alcoholic drinks as prizes are provided under each category of lottery.